To empower a new generation of female leaders to envision and forge a new future ~ for themselves, our world, and the people who will follow in their footsteps.



MOOD LDN Founder Lauren Parmar is a qualified Transformative Coach who studied with ICF-accredited Animas Centre for Coaching.

Lauren started MOOD LDN with the desire to create a community for aspiring and existing female founders to come together, work through their fears and unconscious blocks and be able to move forwards with courage and confidence. To explore challenges with a gentle curiosity, face the truth courageously, build a life intentionally and emerge as a better version of yourself.

Coaching is about creating a future that is different from the one you are currently living. It enables a journey of self-exploration which can give you greater self-awareness and help you to examine and reshape many areas of your life.

“After abruptly abandoning my acting career just before I turned thirty, I found myself wondering, what next? I thought the decision would be an empowering one, but what transpired were feelings of loneliness, confusion and an overwhelming sense of failure. I knew I wanted to make big changes but I couldn’t see a way forward. I was stuck.

I was so frustrated with my circumstances, I tried everything I could think of to try and forcibly change my outer world. But the more I tried to force it, the deeper I seemed to sink into that feeling of stuckness. Paradoxically, it was only once I let go of the expectations of who I thought I should be and accepted myself and my circumstances exactly as they were, that my reality started to evolve.”

Training & Qualifications

~ Level 2 Accredited Diploma in Transformative Coaching with ICF-Accredited Animas Centre for Coaching.

~ Level 3 Accredited Diploma in Meditation Teaching with
The British School of Meditation - accredited by Acentis.

~ Professional, Public & Products Liability Insurance with Balens.

Lauren started her career as an Actress with credits in Commercials, Film & Theatre, before pivoting to a career in Workplace Culture at one of the world’s most renowned Creative Production companies, The Mill. There she spent 6 years working with creative teams and leaders working across all areas of the business and developed a passion for galvanising teams, supporting others in their roles and helping people to be at their best. Whilst training as a coach, Lauren joined the world’s first Entertainment Based Therapy Experience, The Uncertainty Experts. When not coaching or leading workshops, Lauren is likely to be found at a yoga studio in South East London, eating out with friends (Italian food, obviously) or walking her dog Frank.