MOOD CommunitY

unlock the next level of you

A monthly coaching & meditation course for women seeking confidence, clarity, community & growth.

MOOD Community is a four week Transformative Coaching programme, designed to help you get to the next stage of your career and life by unlocking the next level of you.


To create the life you want, you have to take meaningful action towards your goals with consistency. To create consistency, you need to break through the resistance that is keeping you stuck.

🏹 Design a vision for your future.
🏹 Align your behaviour to the future you want to create.
🏹 But an uncomfortable truth: knowing what we need to do and actually doing it, are two very different things.

The burning question to answer then is:

How do we prioritise the changes we want to make when we are already so busy, overwhelmed and burnt out?

This is why MOOD Community was created. To create a safe and supportive container for you to get clarity on your path forwards, remove the blocks that have been keeping you stuck and design a blueprint for success to take you from where you are now, to where you want to be. Enhanced by the empowering energy of the community, you will be a part of a group of women sharing wisdom, encouragement and accountability as you grow.



Creating a crystal clear vision for the career and life you actually want (not the version you think you should want)


Understanding and breaking through the blocks that have been keeping you stuck


Aligning your action to your vision, amplifying your authentic voice and developing core influence so you can scale yourself


Designing your own personal blueprint for success to take you from where you are now, to where you want to be


Daily live morning routine sessions (Monday-Thursday every week) featuring guided meditations and journaling prompts to help create accountability and consistency.

monday 7th october

MOOD Community is a safe and supportive container for women seeking confidence, clarity and growth. It’s a course for you if you feel like…

🌀You’ve outgrown your current circumstances.
🌀You feel pulled to the next level.
🌀But your resistance keeps you stuck.

You fear the call.

But eventually there comes a time where you can no longer ignore it.

You know it’s time to face your fears, take a leap of faith and answer.

Easy to say, harder to do.

But thankfully there are incredible tools, practices and rituals we can use to help us level up. MOOD Community combines Transformative Coaching with Meditation, Visualisation and other holistic practices to help you evolve not just your life and career, but your whole mode of being. Body, mind and spirit.

What's included

key info & dates

Monday 7th October ~ Thursday 31st October

Monday 7th October

Monday evenings, 19:00-20:30 BST on Zoom (for 4 weeks)

Every week, Monday-Thursday from 7:30-8:00am BST ~ Starting from Tuesday 8th October.

Thursday 17th October, 19:00-20:30 BST

Thursday 31st October, 19:00-20:00 BST

Price: £300

Or join as a MOOD Community + Member for £555 and receive 2 additional private coaching sessions (worth £160 each)




There are two ways to join MOOD Community this October.

Our basic membership gives you full access to the course, or join our MOOD Community+ membership to receive an additional 2 x private coaching sessions (worth £160 each).

Starting on Monday 7th October ~ Thursday 31st October.

MOOD Community Member
One time
For 2 months

A virtual Transformative Coaching programme, designed to help you get to the next stage of your career and life by unlocking the next level of you. Join us in October for 4 weeks of coaching, meditation, visualisation, accountability and community. Starting on Monday 7th October ~ Thursday 31st October.

✓ 4 x 90 minute group coaching calls
✓ 1 x 60 minute Q&A / open forum coaching call
✓ Daily guided meditation & visualisation rituals (Mon-Thurs)
✓ 4 workbooks for self-study (1 per week)
✓ Group accountability & support

All sales are final and non-refundable, please check the dates before purchasing.

MOOD Community +
One time
For 2 months

Full membership access to MOOD Community + 2 x private coaching sessions with Lauren (worth £160 each)

✓ 2 x 60 minute private coaching sessions (worth £160 each)
✓ 4 x 90 minute group coaching calls
✓ Daily morning meditation & visualisation rituals (Mon-Thurs)
✓ 4 x workbooks for self-study (1 per week)
✓ Additional group 60 minute coaching call / Q&A


  • "I’ve come up with so many new business ideas that completely align with the life I want to create! My mindset has completely shifted—I no longer feel the need to defend what I want. I have more confidence now to pursue my goals without hesitation."

    ~ Emilie Lashmar, Director LASHMAR Ltd

  • “The impact of this course crept up on me slowly. At first I didn't know where to start but then through Lauren's careful and calm stewardship - gently nudging us towards powerful questions each week, I realised that the next level I was trying to access was slowly revealing itself. Having a weekly reminder of who you want to become, makes it difficult to avoid or escape. This is aided by the lovely group atmosphere. Lauren's coaching style completely lacks ego and offers so much space for everyone to explore and question their personal challenges. It was incredibly warm, safe and welcoming - would definitely recommend it.”

    ~ Alex Barker, Author of How to Be More Pirate, Speaking Coach

  • "The biggest shift I've had is definitely my mindset. I feel mostly calm and haven't felt overwhelmed as much which is usually my default setting! On occasions where I do feel overwhelmed, it definitely doesn't impact me as much and I'm able to stay grounded and figure out a plan. I feel really excited about my future and have even taken small steps to change my career and work towards the career I want for myself. I can really see a shift in my feelings around being hopeful and optimistic for whats next for me. I'm also working on being more aware of things, and practicing presence."

    ~ Ceylan Kumbarji, Founder of Shared